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Dandruff in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Do you notice white flakes left behind after your dog sits on furniture? It may be a sign of dandruff or dry skin. Our vets in Springfield discuss the signs of dandruff and dry skin on dogs, common causes, and treatment options.

What is dandruff in dogs?

When your dog's skin sheds and renews at a faster rate than usual, this can lead to dandruff, which settles on your dog's hair and coat as appears as small, white flakes. these flakes may also fall off and attach to furniture, bedding and a variety of other household items. 

These dry flakes tend to accumulate on a dog's back, especially near the tail. You might even notice them while petting or scratching your dog.

Why does my dog have dandruff?

Numerous factors can contribute to dandruff in dogs. Your dog's skin glands produce sebum, which keeps the skin hydrated and supple, similar to humans. However, an excess of sebum can lead to imbalances and cause dandruff. Dogs can experience seborrheic dermatitis: dry (seborrhea sicca) and oily (seborrhea).

Genetic conditions like primary seborrhea are commonly diagnosed in cocker spaniels and basset hounds. Additionally, health-related and environmental factors can also lead to the condition. It’s important to note that dandruff is not exclusive to any particular dog breed.

So, why do dogs get dandruff? Some of the most common causes of dry, flaky skin in dogs include:

Skin Allergies 

An allergic reaction to food or environmental triggers can trigger skin issues in dogs. If your four-legged friend suffers from an allergy, they may experience itchiness and flakiness at various times of the year. Dandruff also typically accompanies other symptoms, such as recurring ear and skin infections. 

Dry Air 

Our vets often find that dry, flaky skin on dogs becomes a common problem during the winter months. The issue can worsen in areas where central 'forced' heat is the main source of home warming. Dogs are similar to their human counterparts in this way. So if you notice that your dog is leaving a trail of white, flaky skin behind them, your home heating may be the cause.

External Parasites

External parasites are another common cause of dry, flaky skin in dogs. These parasites can cause serious itching and discomfort for your canine companion.

An infamous parasite called the Cheyletiella mite is large enough to see without a microscope and looks very much like a white flake of dandruff—so much so that it is often referred to as 'walking dandruff.'

If your dog's 'dandruff flakes' move independently, immediately bring your dog to your vet for parasite prevention. Certain parasites can also infest other pets through contact, making it essential to quarantine and treat affected pets quickly.

Hormonal Conditions 

Cushing's disease, hypothyroidism, and other health conditions can impact your dog's skin health. Combined with a weakened immune system, these factors may increase your pup's vulnerability to secondary infections. 

Nutrition Issues

An unbalanced or inappropriate diet can negatively impact your dog's skin and coat health. To keep your pet's skin and hair at its best, it's important to integrate foods that contain fatty acids, such as omega-3s and omega-6s. Please ask your veterinarian to determine if your pet's diet includes all the required nutrients or if any need to be added. 

Skin Infections

Bacterial and fungal skin infections may also lead to dandruff in dogs, as they often target weakness or damage in your pup's skin. Your vet will need to address the underlying cause of the issue to treat the dandruff and prevent further complications properly.

Idiopathic Seborrhea

Dandruff in dogs with no known cause is called 'idiopathic.' This means that although the treatment for dry and scaly skin in dogs can work, the root cause might remain unknown. Your veterinarian can provide you with further guidance on how to handle your pet's situation.

Dandruff can be bothersome and uncomfortable for dogs, but it's generally not a major concern if it's mild or seasonal. However, if your furry friend displays dry, flaky skin and other symptoms like the ones listed below, it's best to take them to the vet for a physical examination.

  • Itchiness
  • Skin odor
  • Excessive dandruff
  • Loss of hair/fur
  • Irritated, red skin
  • Excessive licking of paws or legs
  • Signs of feeling unwell or being uncomfortable

The symptoms your dog is exhibiting, and any other signs or findings will determine the next steps in its care. These could include further diagnostic testing to confirm issues, such as underlying health problems, allergic reactions, or potential parasites. 

Treating Dandruff in Dogs

Fortunately, milder cases of dandruff can be remedied at home and by following instructions and guidelines from your vet, as well as using these tips:

  • Your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for your dog; follow the instructions carefully. Don't over-bathe your dog, as this could make the dandruff worse.
  • Bathing your dog can help with dandruff outbreaks and bacterial and fungal skin infections. Your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for your dog; follow the instructions carefully. Don't over-bathe your dog, as this could make the dandruff worse.
  • Supplements can be helpful, but be aware that many commercial supplements are not heavily regulated for pets. Ask your vet for recommendations.
  • Use a humidifier in your home if the air is dry. During winter months especially, your dog (and your family!) could find this helpful for preventing dry skin.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Have you noticed dry, flaky white skin on your dog? Is your pup scratching more than usual? Contact our vets in Springfield to schedule an examination for your pup.

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